Universal IVF Medium

Universal IVF Medium

For fertilization and culture until 2-8 cell stage.

Can also be used for embryo transfer.

Key Features

Key Documents
Order Codes
Reference Description Size Shelf Life Guarantee*
10311010 Universal IVF Medium, with phenol red 10×10 ml Minimum 8 weeks
10310060 Universal IVF Medium, with phenol red 60 ml Minimum 8 weeks
10315060 Universal IVF Medium, with phenol red 5×60 ml Minimum 8 weeks
10301010 Universal IVF Medium, without phenol red 10×10 ml Minimum 8 weeks
10300060 Universal IVF Medium, without phenol red 60 ml Minimum 8 weeks
10305060 Universal IVF Medium, without phenol red 5×60 ml Minimum 8 weeks

*Minimum time to expiry (from date of shipment from Denmark)

Arya Royan Teb Vision

Our Vision: Improvement of pregnancy rate and better services to both professionals and patients, As we grow, other specialized lines will be added, according markets demand, We shall be looking forward to service you and our collaboration.